Ben Hamley - Life Coach

Dear Michele & Sarah,

I would like to be considered for a position as a self employed ADHD coach with Headstuff ADHD Therapy.

My background:

  • I became an NLP master practitioner in 2015. NLP woke me up to the inherent genius in each individual and gave me a way of both acknowledging and accessing my own genius and enabling others to do the same.
  • My wife has severe combined inattentive and hyperactive ADHD (diagnosed in 2021). We have been together for 17 years and have ran 3 businesses together over that time.
  • I am currently supporting my wife in both coaching and administrative capacities through Access To Work funding. 
  • Since January 2023 I have coached 2 other people with ADHD, each for over 6 months. You can read their testimonials here and here.
  • I am currently waiting for an ADHD assessment myself.
Phone: 07817336188

Relevant Work Experiences

Working with my wife (who has severe combined inattentive and hyperactive ADHD)

  • 2006-2009 Running seasonal Ski Chalets 
  • 2015-2019 Business partners at Jennifer Hamley England – award winning independent handbag brand
  • 2019-2022 Business partners at Birdhouse Digital: Web design and marketing agency
  • 2021-Present day: Coaching and administrative support for her freelance digital design work
My strength in this specific relationship is to bring ongoing balance, perspective, grounding and motivation to my wife’s working life by enabling her to manage an extremely talented hyperfocus, daily amnesia, dislocation, distraction, overwhelm, and cravings for perfectionism.


  • Personal aide and marketing manager for a bestselling business book author in Central London.
    My employer was a scanner (click here for info), which has similarities with ADHD.
My strength in this role was my ability to transform all of his creative genius into a cohesive timeframe that produced results and feedback.

January 2022-present day

  • Life Coach
    I have coached around 10 people so far, all through word of mouth or previous acquaintance.
In October 2021 I hired a life coach to help me ascertain what to do with my career. When the dust settled Life Coaching was squarely out in front.
I have always been an enabler and supporter of others and this made complete sense. It also allows me more inter-personal interactions, which was lacking in my web design work.
A true test is that I love the training and courses involved in both enabling others and my own personal development (see below). 

Qualifications and relevant experiences

  • 2000-2003
    BSc hons Sports Management with Business and French (University of Plymouth)
  • 2010-2012
    Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training (700hrs + 3490hrs Immersion) – Yogasara Bristol
  • 2012-2015
    Weekly Yoga Teacher – Yogasara Bristol
  • 2015
    NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner – Bristol NLP

Relevant personal education

  • 2015-2021
    10-day Vipassana Meditation retreat
    3x participant
    1x server 
  • May 2023
    5-day Masculine Archetype Retreat – Men Without Masks
  • June 2023
    5-day Enlightenment Intensive Retreat – Spirit Horse
  • July 2023 – Present day
    ManMen Men’s circle member – Tony Riddle: Natural Life Tribe

ADHD Client Testimonials

I reached out to Ben as I was desperate to feel energized about life again. Since meeting with Ben I have noticed a significant shift to my inner dialogue along with a rejuvenated optimism, focus and drive. This is a huge deal for me. The biggest improvements are the curiosity I now afford my thoughts and the power of intention.

This has allowed me to deepen my understanding of my real goals and question myself honestly which is a completely new feeling that I’m still exploring personally. Through this I’ve been able to remove some unnecessary baggage and put energy into the correct places. I’m already feeling calmer and more in control as well as a more present dad which was one of my main goals.

I have long been told ‘be kind to yourself’ and while that made sense I actually didn’t know how to do that or what it truly meant until working with Ben. I’d say the most effective exercise that helped me connect to my thoughts was to ‘interview my troll’. I found this very funny and went away and learned a lot about what my blocks were. This new curious approach has been a complete game-changer that positively affects almost every aspect of how I now process thoughts and information. I now feel more connected to what matters and, through other exercises, feel like I have the tools to achieve it.

There have been many many great analogies and dots that Ben has helped me connect but one particular moment was in our first session when we did a visualization exercise and it became apparent to me I hadn’t clearly defined my goals, which was a surprise to me as I had naturally felt like I was on a path and it was external things that held me back. This realization was a huge help in understanding why I didn’t feel in control or sense of achievement. From this exercise I was/am now aware of the importance of decluttering and defining goals which has helped me get back on track, feel more in control and strangely lighter as I was able to cut through some BS goals I didn’t really care about. This has brought excitement and hope to the future but also allowed me to review things I had already achieved and forgot to appreciate.

I find the sessions so light and breezy, probably due to how Ben uses his gift of humour to help me relax and get into it. Our sessions are a highlight of my week. I always have at least a handful of ‘oh yeah’ moments, some mind expanding concepts and I always leave with energy, focus and new techniques to try. Ben’s methods have ignited connections that other practitioners were unable to and I wholeheartedly recommend you chat to him.

Tommy D, Canada

Reconnection with my children…
The number one thing Ben helped me to achieve was a reconnection with my children. As a father it’s hard to think of anything more important in life.

My favourite a-ha moment when working with Ben was realising how I could be creating boundaries and transitions between the different roles I play in life, which has allowed me to be more present in each role.

I also experienced the value of acknowledging life ‘as it is right now’ as a fundamental basis/requirement for authentic intentional progress.

From ‘landing’ in the present I have been able to bring more curiosity and playfulness into my creative process – which is deeply satisfying. I had become accustomed to ‘hotwiring’ my creative process.

Ben’s way of working is unpressured and freeing. We went at my pace, not his and there were no hidden agendas about getting ‘results’. It was more about guiding me to become aware of deeper fundamental processes and then enabling me to update and improve upon them.

One additional a-ha moment was noticing the difference between saying ‘and’ instead of ‘but’. It encourages integration rather than a binary approach to the reflection of experience.

Rich, UK

I hope you've enjoyed reading my application and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Ben Hamley


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